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Showing posts from 2022

Associate Editor for the peer reviewed journal "Chinese Medicine and Culture"

Early in 2021, I was appointed Associate Editor for the   "Chinese Medicine and Culture" , one of the better-known Academic Publications of the Shanghai TCM University, the only peer-reviewed TCM Medical Humanities publication in the academic world. I have been peer-reviewing for them for a while, and also have contributed an article or two over the years. But in 2020 they approached me to serve in the Editorial Board, and also appointed me Associate Editor. However, the official certificates only reached me in November 2022.     Over the last year, they invited me together with Prof. Charles Buck to guest edit a special issue on  “The global cross-cultural integration of TCM in the mainstream healthcare, medical education and the practice of medicine” I believe it will be a historical issue, with contributions from the most iconic figures in the western TCM world. I will keep you all updated. 

Supervising students at the Phoenix St. Vincent de Paul Hospital

In 2019, I left China after a long tenure of 17 years, to accept a position of Researcher, Faculty and Clinic Supervisor at the  Foundation for PIHMA Research and Education   in Phoenix, AZ. My work there also involved kickstarting PIHMA’s   Entry Level  “Doctoral Degree” (DACM), and establish an Integrative Medicine clinic shift that would assist students to reach an elementary understanding of Integrative Medicine, as per accreditation standards.   I soon went on to develop PIHMA’s  “Integrative Clinical Diagnosis”  and  “Integrative Case Management”  classes, and I started teaching from my many years of experience in China.    At the same time - in 2019 - together with the then Clinic Dean, we contacted St Vincent de Paul, to establish a Chinese Integrative Medicine clinical shift.   The shift originally run from late 2019 until the pandemic lockdown, and it was re-established again in the early 2021.    At SVdP, we put in practice all the information I taught in my classes.  In the

Contributing to the Acupuncture Law of Arizona - SB1080

As all of you already know from the news, in 2022 Arizona passed the SB1080 into law, which now defines Acupuncture as a "System of Medicine" . What probably you don’t know is that  the part of that law that enables acupuncturists to order labs and imaging  was my own personal contribution.  But let’s start from the beginning. In the first week of January 2022, there was a meeting at the  Francine Restaurant  in Scottsdale, where several of us discussed the direction of acupuncture in the State. It has been years since the last update in the acupuncture law, and excitement levels were high. Certain directions were considered, such as animal acupuncture and AHCCCS to be included in SB1080. But in the end my suggestion was to go with the absolute necessities first, and therefore labs and imaging found their way into the proposal. On the other hand, animal acupuncture and AHCCCS will be considered for 2023.    I also worked really close with the former PIHMA Lobbyist, to craft t

A day teaching the International Standard Scalp Acupuncture system to doctoral students

The new semester is upon us, and today I am teaching my Integrative Clinical Medicine students the International Standard Scalp Acupuncture system. This is the first time I teach a class in person since the beginning of the pandemic, and we took a few photos to commemorate the day.    At the SVdP hospital, we often treat people suffering from brain injuries, stroke and cerebrovascular disease, disorders of the cranial and spinal nerves, fibromyalgia, headaches, and even long-Covid and PTSD.    These are diseases that respond really well to scalp acupuncture. In this class I teach the International Standard version, which was developed in the 1970’s and ‘80’s. This is the textbook standard, and perhaps one of the most commonly used TCM medical modalities for neurological diseases.