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Showing posts with the label Doctoral students

A day teaching the International Standard Scalp Acupuncture system to doctoral students

The new semester is upon us, and today I am teaching my Integrative Clinical Medicine students the International Standard Scalp Acupuncture system. This is the first time I teach a class in person since the beginning of the pandemic, and we took a few photos to commemorate the day.    At the SVdP hospital, we often treat people suffering from brain injuries, stroke and cerebrovascular disease, disorders of the cranial and spinal nerves, fibromyalgia, headaches, and even long-Covid and PTSD.    These are diseases that respond really well to scalp acupuncture. In this class I teach the International Standard version, which was developed in the 1970’s and ‘80’s. This is the textbook standard, and perhaps one of the most commonly used TCM medical modalities for neurological diseases.